Product Details
SUPEX Curved awning tension roof rafter is cost-effective way of stopping that rollout awning sagging and flapping. SUPEX have made an easy to fit adjustable curved roof rafter which can be added to an existing awning in just seconds.
Simple installation - simply attach bracket to van wall with 2 screws, extend awning to fully opened position making sure the key way is facing down, drill a hole in awning tube at appropriate height. Make sure to de-burr hole to avoid damage to awning fabric on closing.
The white powder-coated aluminium rafter is curved just the right amount to keep tension on the awning fabric. Smaller awnings need just one while larger awnings would benefit from 2 or even more. They take just seconds to place in position, and can even be used to hang light items off the ground, like drying that towel off.
This is the exact part called 'PC Rafter' by Dometic as suggested for the Dometic Power awning. You will need two for the Power Awning.
New for Version 3.0 is the Stainless Steel & Glass Filled Nylon moulded rail end (which inserts into the bracket provided). This significantly increases the strength of the most vulnerable part of the rafter while also reducing rattling noise in windy conditions. Also added is a hexagonal moulded knob insert which stops the screw part of the knob from coming loose if the seal with the plastic break